02 Dec Presentation of MIICT in Brno, Czech Republic
Last week, 29-30.11.2019, marked the latest edition of the annual Cyberspace conference held by Masaryk University in Brno, the Czech Republic. The event welcomed nearly 300 participants from 4 continents, where the contents were organised in 18 streams and special tracks.
Denitsa Kozhuharova from the Law and Internet Foundation, a MIICT Project Partner, joined the event presenting during the Law: Privacy and Personal Data stream. She used this platform to showcase the main takeaways stemming out of Law and Internet’s contribution towards MIICT implementation. To this end, her presentation was focused on the data protection and legal aspects that are relevant to IMMERSE design and function. She shared the mission and the objectives of MIICT, and then proceeded zooming in on the challenges and the recommendations aimed to further integration supported by ICTs as pursued by MIICT.
The project is implemented with the support of the H2020 Research and Innovation programme of the European Commission under Grant Agreement No 822380.